Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Emerging Design Trends that will Shape the Future of Education Facilities

Trends shaping the education, learning and school designEducation plays an integral part in shaping the personality and future of a child. Education is not always in books. A child is influenced equally by his or her surroundings. Children do what they see and if we are exposing our children to the surroundings that are not as creative and such that develop a sense of curiosity, then we cannot expect them to deliver their best effort either.

The education system and institutes these days are laying emphasis on education design trends in order to provide the best learning experiences to children. Schools and other educational institutes follow the latest design trends. These trends are developed based on the requirement of an average present generation child.

These design trends can be seen in the activities that are developed for the children to the products, equipment and school furniture being utilised by the children. Interior design is another aspect that utilises these trends and translates it into the layout of the interior space.

Three Aspects of Design Trends:

Colour’s psychological effects in the education environmentA. Colour
Colour is an important aspect of our perception and behaviour. Different colour brings out different emotions in each one of us. While we can show a resistance to such an expression of moods, children often easily exhibit it openly. In any kind of design, colour plays a major role.

Colour changes the mood of the place. The use of colour also gives an illusion of the space being smaller or larger. In school architecture, the emphasis is laid on the use of the space as per the requirement of the activities. In this space, the use of various colours can enhance the learning experience considerably.

The interior design of the educational buildings makes use of such play of colour in order to influence the mood of the students. For example, the use of yellow colour in schools can trigger the creativity and enthusiasm of the children. It will make them feel positive and happy. The colour blue helps to increase concentration by lowering the heart rate, hence this colour will work wonders in a math or science classroom.
B. Minimalism
On of the most used design trends is minimalism. Minimalist design detailing is not only a safe play but at the same time, it makes space look elegant. The less use of objects will make the place look larger. Though many times functionality of the space requires the use of more and more objects like school furniture etc. The interior design of the schools can be based on minimalism but in certain areas, one needs to add objects that are essential for use in various activities of the children.

Minimalism may give an elegant and graceful look to the school architecture but it is needless to say that this minimalism is very difficult to achieve. However, achieving the correct balance in this form of interior design comes with experience.
C. Eco-Friendly
Eco-friendly schools - A new trendThe eco-friendly schools and the educational institute is a new wave in education design trends. With the rise in awareness about the carbon footprints, people are adopting environment-friendly ways.

The school architecture is integrated with spaces that have plants and trees.

There are spaces that are specifically designed to teach children about growing their own food. The use of recycled material for school furniture is also done.

The overall experience focuses on the social learning skills being inculcated in the children.

Why is School Architecture Important?

A. Space
The first thing that is considered in an educational building is the space. Space needs to be well managed for various activities that take place during the working hours. This lies in the hands of the architecture. School architectures require great planning. The school space has to be divided out for classrooms, playrooms and playgrounds, cafeteria, auditorium, specialised classrooms, gym and sports court, library, restrooms, outdoor space etc. For this segregation of space, one needs to chalk out the action plan for the school first.
B. Facilities for Various Types of Activities
Furniture for various types of activities in schoolsMany types of activities take place in a school or an educational institute. Activities such as games and recreation, vocational training, science experiments, drama etc. are a usual part of the school routine. It becomes essential to have specific education interiors for such places.

Each place where a certain activity is being conducted will require related facilities. For example, a cafeteria will require a space to cook food and clean the utensils. Such facilities need in-depth planning and execution.
C. Recreational Areas
Every educational institute has recreational area. Recreation is a very important part of the physical, emotional and psychological development of a child. This is where the child inculcates within himself the social learning skills. Recreational areas require special forethought. With the emerging design trends, there are many options present to equip these areas with state-of-the-art recreational equipment.
D. Physical Health
The present lifestyle does not allow a child to have much time left for required physical activity. Therefore the new education design trends have introduced outdoor activity sections that provide recreation and physical workout for the children.

ProjectLink has an array of products and equipment that are based on the present education design trends. These products are of good quality and have been developed keeping in mind the end users. Let us take a look at some of the best school furniture and equipment:

1. RE-Fit
Re-fit system for schoolsRE-Fit offers an affordable range of exercise and fitness equipment that are specifically developed for schools. These circuits have six parts that offer about twelve different exercise options.

Every component comes with instructional signage that is easy to understand for the children. Made using recycled plastic, the RE-Fit equipment is an ideal addition to the educational institute.

Click here to know more about Re-Fit »
2. School Kits
These user friendly exercise stations can be a part of a fitness trail or be spaced out as per requirement. The School Kits work best for a school with a large number of students.

The equipment are designed to deliver safe and healthy workout.

Click here to know more about School Kits »

3. Ezy-Drink
A good bubbler is essential for any public place. The Ezy-Drink drinking tapware and bubblers are a perfect solution to drinking water issue for the schools.

The Ezy-Drink bubblers are a 6 star WELS rated product. It comes with a bacteria resistant mouthguard. The self closing valve offers a controlled water flow These bubblers and taps are of three different types: lever action, cam action and push button. It offers many useful features.

Click here to know more about School Kits »

4. King Park Setting
Outdoor furniture for schoolsSports auditorium should be designed with a large seating space. For seating solutions, King Park Setting is what is required. This equipment offers seating for a large number of people. It delivers good performance and is durable.

Its design is robust and it is comfortable to use. It has been designed keeping in mind the safety aspects related to children. It is wheelchair accessible and requires low maintenance.

Click here to know more about King Park Setting here »

5. Yarning Circle
The importance of yarning circleApt for eco-friendly schools, the Yarning Circle provides a great alternative outdoor classroom. The children can not only study out in the open but also learn about their surroundings. It makes learning more fun. The Yarning Circle has been designed in a way that it provides large relaxed spaces.

Listening and talking, team work, bonding, sharing, trust and storytelling are some of the points that this circuit has been designed around. It comes with various parts. Shades and shelters are also given in order to get protection from the sunlight or rain.

Click here to know more about Yarning Circle »

Click here and choose the right school furniture and equipment

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