Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Popular Water Fountains for a Mesmerizing Outdoor Spaces

Top 3 water fountain and bubblers ideas to consider for outdoor spacesWater covers about 70% of the earth’s surface, out of which around 3% of the entire water on this planet is fresh, remaining 97% is saline water. Fresh water sources such as groundwater, rivers, streams and lakes provide drinking water for the human population.

Since the 1800s, the task of providing drinking water in public places has been a priority area for the authorities. Access to clean drinking water at public places like parks, public gardens, market places, malls etc. seems to be an important point of consideration. Since water is the most basic necessity, having the provision of water in such areas becomes essential. Furthermore, access to a source of clean drinking water adds to the overall outdoor experience.

Water fountains can be seen in many such areas of public use. A drinking fountain, commonly known as a bubbler, provides drinking water to people accessing the outdoor spaces such as parks and open marketplaces. The designs and structures of these water fountains have evolved to make them more convenient for people to use. The basic set-up consists of a basin, a tap, a button or sensor, and a water supply line. The button or the sensor allows to control the flow of water as per the requirement of the user and hence helps save water.

Having a source of clean water at the place of outdoor activity on a hot summer day can be a great blessing! Developers these days aim at providing best of the facilities to their clients and public. Right from the conceptualisation stage, minutest of the details that can improve user experience are planned properly. Needs of people going to a park for a brisk walk, or of those taking their pets to a dog park, have to be taken into consideration while planning for the water fountains.

Explicit range of specialized parks and outdoor water fountainsThe design of water fountains covers aspects such as functionality, usability, appearance, provision of facilities, cost, environment-friendly technology etc. Manufacturers are coming up with sleek and user-friendly design for these gardens that not only make the outdoor spaces look good, but are also user-friendly for all sorts of users. The water fountains are therefore being made in a way that they can serve kids, adults, people in wheelchair and pets. Often times, direct supply of city water may not ensure clean and safe drinking water. Hence the latest outdoor water fountains are now equipped with an attached feature of water filter screens.

These fountains are not only available for public spaces but also for houses and private properties. In addition to providing clean drinking water in your garden, installing water fountain can also add to the style of your garden and outdoors of your home. ProjectLink recommends some really good options of bubblers for your private properties and parks and outdoors.

Let’s take a look at three types of outdoor water fountains that will facilitate drinking water and add a contemporary touch to your garden and outdoors:

1. Water Fountains for You and Your Pets

Amazing bubblers and fountains that provide drinking water to you and your petsPublic outdoor spaces are usually equipped with some state-of-the-art park accessories, water fountains being one of the important ones. Even with the most basic design, these kinds of bubblers accommodate multiple possibilities for tap placement. The best feature for the pets is the dog bowl that is attached to the unit. This bowl comes with a side tap that allows one to dispose off any water or dirt inside it, therefore keeping it clean for your pet to drink from. The level of this bowl is suitable for pets of various heights. There are variants that have a slow drainage system attached to the bowl to facilitate easy drinking for your pets.

These garden fountains have a sturdy body which is made of stainless steel. The shape is such that it checks the standing water. It is easy to maintain these bubblers. These can be attached to the water supply lines anywhere you wish to. If the park or garden is built on a theme then there are some reputed companies that provide you with a range of colours to select from for these fountains.

Check out these kinds of water fountains for you and your pets on ProjectLink »

2. Water Fountains for Wheelchair-Bound Individuals

An easy and comfortable drinking water station for wheelchair-bound folksAs functionality plays a major role in designing equipment, that serve people, these types of garden fountains are designed to meet the needs of wheelchair-bound individuals. The height of these water fountains ranges between 2.5 feet to 2.8 feet, and this makes them very convenient for people with disabilities as well as children. The structure is such that it provides easy accessibility to those with disabilities. These types of fountains usually have a button or an easy-to-operate knob for the bubbler. The maintenance cost of these bubblers is also relatively low.

The tough and modish-looking form of these fountains give your garden a make-over, and these are available in different colours to suit your preferences. Many fountains have provision for an optional tap. This user-centric unit is a successful addition to the range of park accessories.

A few great options for such water fountains for wheelchair-bound individuals are displayed here »

3. Refill Stations

Water refill station to provide people clean drinking water on the goThese fountains are the ones that allow you to fill your water bottle or containers. While cycling or exercising, keeping yourself hydrated is essential. The idea behind the development of these types of water fountains is that you get to fill the bottle you carry and the bottles get reused. Use of these fountains ensures that you not only are helping in keeping your surroundings, but also reducing the use of disposable plastic bottles.

These garden fountains are vandal-resistant and durable. Since the water requirement is more unlike the drinking water fountains, these type of fountains are attached with submerged water reservoir. There are variants that have a pet bowl attached.

Here are links to some of the best water refill stations »

With the trusted options available on ProjectLink, you can ensure that your garden spaces or parks are well equipped to provide the most basic yet critical facility of clean drinking water to everyone.

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