Monday, August 28, 2017

Maintenance Tips to Keep your Construction Equipment in Operation

Top maintenance tips to extend construction equipment life and ROI
The construction industry is an ever growing industry. The compass of construction industry stretches from houses and buildings to public spaces and transportation system. This industry stands on the pillars of specializations like architecture, civil and environmental engineering, construction management, industrial design and manufacturing, landscaping design, interior design and planning, financial management etc. Each of these sections put to use construction equipment and machinery that aid in the process of construction. Therefore the maintenance of these heavy machinery becomes important.

When the construction equipment are regularly checked and maintained, they last longer in comparison to those that have not been serviced often. Regular maintenance of heavy machinery reduces the repair costs, increases the longevity of the machinery and adds resale value if you intend to sell it. Operating cost is also important while running these machines. Construction machinery require fuel or electricity to run. Heavy duty equipment run on fuel of some kind. When these equipment are not up-to-date, these will use more fuel and energy than usual. This increases the operating cost. So, in order to reduce the cost of operation, regular maintenance and servicing of these construction equipment is required.

Have your own set of guidelines and rules to maintain your construction equipment
Construction equipment maintenance tips can be divided into sections. Each section is based on suggestions about how to improve the work quality of the construction equipment and how to reduce the overall cost.

A) Follow the Maintenance Schedule of the Construction Equipment
B) Set a Routine and Adhere to it
C) Have your Own Set of Guidelines and Rules
D) Use it Wisely

Classification of Construction Equipment:

On a large scale, the construction equipment can be divided into 4 sub categories. These are based on their functionality. These are as follows:
  • Construction Vehicles
  • Construction Equipment
  • Material Handling Equipment
  • Earth Moving Equipment
ProjectLink has an array of all the above construction equipment. Based on purpose, each category has a multiple choice of equipment to pick up from.

Let’s take a look at each category and the construction equipment maintenance tips to go along with it >>

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Importance of Sustainability in Commercial Real Estate Industry

The next big thing for real estate industry: Sustainability
The property industry represents one ninth of Australia’s GDP (the largest of any sector), employs 1.1 million Australians (more than mining and manufacturing combined) and generates $72 billion in tax revenues to fund community services. This means that sustainability in the real estate sector affects a lot of people and businesses.

 We commonly speak of sustainability at the residential level. It is common to hear about recycling, rain water harvesting and energy alternatives for homeowners. But what about sustainability in the commercial real estate industry?

Large business centres are inhabited by thousands of people during the work hours. Business areas are high on energy and water consumption. Over the years, businesses have understood that going green isn’t just a philanthropic decision. There are many cost benefits to it.

To meet the environmental standards and derive competitive gains, it is important to incorporate sustainability into commercial real estate sector as well.

ProjectLink has listed out some of the latest trends and advantages to drive real estate developers to include sustainable concepts in their designs. Be in know to realize more benefits from sustainability.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Office Space Design Ideas to Foster Productivity

Design a productive office like Atlassian - one of Australia’s most successful technology companies
Image Source:
Today’s work-force is geared towards long hours. Their work ethic is very different from the generations before. A young office-goer of the millennial generation is looking for larger meaning from the workplace. To tap this excitement and harness their productivity, organisations are required to put efforts in making their workplaces more exciting.

If you have been looking at office spaces for a while, you could not have missed the news about the spanking new Atlassian office in Sydney!

Atlassian – one of Australia’s most successful technology companies – understands the motivation and environment that drives young tech employees and has been working tirelessly to create one of the coolest new office spaces.
Head of workplace experience at Atlassian Brent Harman told news sources the new office was all about ‘creating a reason for staff to get out of the office for the 15 minutes break’.

Besides the perks of a young and hip office culture, Atlassian provides food catering, snacks, and plenty of entertainment options for the staff. They have created an “urban-jungle” vibe as you enter the space and integrated simple iPad based technology to ease sign-in for visitors.

Quick on the heels of Atlassian is another technology company –Dropbox. “The concept is bringing the home into the workplace,” Deeps De Silva, head of marketing APAC & Japan, told news sources during a tour. “It’s very like an Australian living room. The hours you spend in the office are significant, and we wanted an environment people to feel comfortable in.

It’s an extension of a home to our customers and our users as well.” Their Australian office has an open-plan structure with a beautiful and minimalist Scandinavian inspired look. They have been particular in creating spaces that are comfortable and user-friendly.

While their offices may seem relatively cool, companies like Atlassian and Dropbox, run tight ships! Their philosophy is to provide all the right comforts and perks, so employee productivity can be maximized for the business.

There is no rocket science to the way these spaces are created.

Read the complete blog post here to see a quick breakdown of how a well designed office space can foster productivity.