Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Treatment and Management of Trees Around Playgrounds

Guidelines for tree risk assessment and management
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?". Although this is a  common adage and of course a well known thought experiment, the sound of a falling tree, is never sweet to the ears.

The benefits of trees is common knowledge and it is our duty to protect and maintain the trees in our neighbourhoods and playgrounds.

Tree Management

Tree Management refers to the cultivation, data collection and maintenance of trees. In order to maximize a tree’s benefits, routine maintenance is essential.

According to the International Association of Arboriculture, "The costs associated with removing a large tree and planting a young tree can outweigh the costs of regular tree maintenance practices such as a tree inspection, pruning, and mulching."

Tree Hazards and Risks

The key aspect of tree management is the timely identification of hazards and risks. For example, mature trees are more likely to drop branches or cause root conflicts on the sites they inhabit.

Natural events like storms or earthquakes, effects of construction work near a tree are some ways that trees can be hazardous. It is important to regularly observe if the trees in the playground have any symptoms of decline. Be alert for smaller and fewer leaves, dieback in the crown of the tree, and premature fall colour.

Certain trees are more prone to attack by certain diseases and pests. Despite our best efforts, they may be weak or show a decline. It is therefore in the best interest of the tree and property owner to consult an arborist regularly for a professional assessment of the trees on the property.

What is an arborist?

An arborist or tree surgeon is a professional who practices arboriculture. Arboriculture is the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. It generally involves a focus on the health and safety of individual plants and trees, rather than managing forests (the domains of forestry and silviculture) or harvesting wood.

When to call an arborist?

Trees are subject to high stresses and disturbances in urban settings - both above and below ground. Professional care improves their chances of survival. Services like pruning trees for health and good structure, aesthetic trimming, and “crown reduction”  to keep trees away from wires, fences and buildings can be provided by Arborists. Arborists are trained to understand and implement the treatment based on the species of tree and the purpose of the work.

What to know before hiring an arborist?

Here are a few points to know before you hire an arborist:
1. Frequency of Pruning
When to trim trees and shrubsWhile trimming and pruning enhances the natural beauty of a landscape they also hold the risk of permanently damaging a tree.

Trees grow organically, and develop based on the surroundings, over pruning can hinder the natural growth of the tree. Most trees can be pruned periodically to ensure proper leaf density and to contain new growth. There are some trees that grow slower than others and do not need frequent pruning. Pay attention to how quickly your tree grows before beginning a pruning cycle.
2. Dead Branches
One must be well informed and methodical about pruning. Dead, diseased and broken branches along with branches that might be interfering with wires and cables must be removed on priority. Dead or diseased branches are a clear symptom of an unhealthy tree, and a sign to call the arborist.
3. Fungi, mushrooms or mold
If you notice fungi or mushroom growing in your tree branches, this may be a sign of a larger problem. The decomposition process may have begun if mushrooms have taken over the inside of the tree. If this is the case, the chances of saving the tree are slim, and felling the tree would be advisable for the safety of people as well as other trees.
4. Discounts and off season pricing
Spring and Summer are busy months for trees and arborists. If the trees do not have urgent pruning issues or disease, consider calling your arborist in winters when you can get a discount or some off-season pricing.

Dangers of do-it-yourself pruning

Tree management requires a lot of knowledge and skill. While pruning might seem easy, it requires a lot of skill.  

"The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) reviewed 45 civilian tree care-related accidents reported by the media in 2013. Of these accidents, 28 (62 percent) were fatal." http://www.sjnewsonline.com/article/20140415/NEWS/140419480 Accurate assessment and study of the weight, location and other forces are required and can affect how the tree will react. A knowledgeable arborist will make sure of the safety of the tree and surroundings before pruning and trimming.

Tree Protection

Young trees require care and protection from the elements and need to adjust in new environments. It is stated that "String trimmers and other lawn equipment are leading causes of tree mortality in the urban landscape. A common misconception is that tree guards will protect against lawn equipment.

The fact is, even with protection, these lawn-care tools can decimate a tree guard and subsequently girdle trees of all ages. It’s best to keep lawn equipment as far away from desirable plants and trees as possible." While there are many ways to protect trees, we have listed down a few basic ones.
Tree protection fencing
Along avenues, or planned wooded areas in the playground, it will be economical to consider group fencing while the plants are still taking roots and developing.

Click here to explore more on fencing »
Tree Guards
Tree guards to protect young trees and saplings from animal and mechanical injury
A tree guard is a device that protects individual trees (esp. young trees and saplings) from animal and mechanical injury. They are commonly seen in parks and gardens and larger properties with planned landscaping.

Click here to check quality tree guards »
Tree Shelters
Nurture trees in the early stages of their growth with tree shelters
“Tree shelter” is a generic name for a solid (or mesh) tube that is placed over a seedling to provide favorable environmental conditions for seedling growth.
Choosing between Tree guards and Tree Shelters
According to hortweek.com, a horticulture website, "if you are looking to buy tree shelters or guards, it is also worth remembering that shelters have the additional benefit of promoting growth by acting like a mini-greenhouse - reducing draughts and giving a slight lift to the interior temperature. There is also a lower risk of herbicide damage and, because they are more visible, of being hit by machinery."
Other Tree Protection
While the arborist will be able to suggest the appropriate guards and protection, here are few more you can look up to understand more about tree management and protection.
  • Spirals
  • Plastic/HDPE mesh guards
  • Mesh guards on a roll
  • Weld mesh wire guards
  • Guards with spray shields
  • Strimmer/brushcutter guards
  • Vole guards
  • Metal tree protectors
  • Shrub shelters
  • Photodegradable and/or biodegradable guards/shelters
Protection Duration
Lastly, when choosing tree protection, risks and length of protection should be identified. If protection is only required in the short term, one could consider photodegradable products because they will save collection and disposal later.
While minor trimming is acceptable, the regulations and laws for tree protection differ in various regions of Australia. It is important for property managers, owners and arborists to be updated on these and ensure the protection of trees and safety of the visitors at the playground.

Find effective park accessories for the efficient management of trees

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Most Appealing Playground Features to Children

Important factors to consider while designing a playground
There is nothing more endearing than the bright sounds of kids playing in the park. While children are quick to make up their own games, their excitement for the playground is unparalleled. It is stated that "most forms of play are essential for healthy development, but free, spontaneous play - the kind that occurs on playgrounds - is the most beneficial type of play."

Research shows that play is not just good for physical development of children but essential in developing self-confidence, social skills, cognition and a strong sense of independence. In order to keep children engaged and interested, it is important to create exciting and challenging playground equipment. According to a recent survey conducted by the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association and the Voice of Play, "67 percent of families visit the playground one to two times a week to get some fresh air and sunlight and 22 percent visit three or more times a week".

Though playgrounds have newer designs now, the survey found "kids enjoyed most at the playground, swings and slides were the top choices. Tunnels/tubes, ladders, monkey bars and imaginative play were also popular".

Interesting Playgrounds around the World

While designing playgrounds and play areas can have their own regulations on safety, the key idea is that the play area should appeal to children. There are many great artists and creators who have worked together to build innovative and attractive playgrounds.

Interesting playgrounds around the world
1. Woods of Net playground in Hakone, Japan
Tezuka Architects and Japanese net artist Toshiko Horiuchi Macadam knitted this rainbow nest by hand for children to crawl, jump, and roll around in. While the lower part has hanging swings, the upper area is like a cargo-net for jumping around.
2. Silver Towers Playground in New York City
Brooklyn-based artist Tom Otterness created the Silver Towers Playground in New York City. The artist has created 27 whimsical bronze figures and a 24.5-foot-tall and 30-foot-long sculpture whose legs double as slides!
3. Blue whale in Gothenburg, Sweden
MONSTRUM also constructed this 50-foot-long blue whale in Gothenburg, Sweden. Children can climb into its stomach and slide down its back.
4. Swing Time, Boston
Is an interactive playground set up in a temporary park near the Boston Convention and Exhibition Centre. Created by Höweler + Yoon Architecture, the play area features 20 illuminated swings that switch from white to purple when they’re in use.
5. Shifting Sand Land, Arizona
Inspired by the desert level in Super Mario Brothers. The objective of the game is not to touch the ground.The play area includes 25 "islands" that range in size, with some large enough for several children to balance on with each other.

Of course, getting an artist to design a playground isn't always an option. One must make sure that the playground appeals to its intended audience - children! Here are a few things to remember to when designing and installing playgrounds for children:

1. Playing together
What makes a good play area for children
The friendships of childhood last a lifetime, and they all begin at the playground. Playing as a group helps kids understand social roles and cultural rules. It helps them get accustomed to social norms, cooperation skills and a shared system of symbols, including verbal and body language. It is common for children to make group games, set challenges for themselves and each other. It is always exciting for them to use their surroundings and develop obstacle courses. There are many playground equipment that are built with integrated monkey bars, climbing frame similar designs which are ideal for larger groups and offer opportunity to develop physical skills and flexibility of children.

Click here to browse similar playground equipment »
2. Colour
The fascination and curiosity for bright colours is a common love for children. Whether books, games or a pretty little butterfly, they are captivated by bright hues. As infants, bright colours are the only way they are able to distinguish between shapes and as they grow older bright colours are associated with emotions, typically brighter colours are associated with happy memories, their favourite toy, bright green grass, and beautiful blue sky. Bright colours are also known associated with moods and known to help to activate and stimulate the mind. On a perfectly sunny day, it would be great to be to out and play the light and colourful shadows.
3. Natural look
Discover the benefits of nature inspired playgrounds
Children are always monkey-ing around! They are curious about birds, insects, and animals. When you are not looking they pluck flowers and leaves, eat dirt, climb trees! Children are always keen to explore nature. The soft colours of nature are appealing, friendly and reassuring. With the growing concrete jungle, kids are removed from the natural environment. Recent studies document the importance of introducing children to the natural world, beginning in the early years. Their social, emotional, and physical health depends on this exposure to develop. Equipment that hold both, the greenery of the parks or the concrete structures of the playground, provide kids with the natural adventures that they are keen to explore.

Check out similar natural looking playground equipment »
4. Splash
Water play equipment - a source of enjoyment and learning for kids
What could be more exciting than a simple water sprinkler on a hot summer day! While it is natural for children to be excited about water play, the advantages of the water sensory play are many. It is even an accepted part of children's development curriculum. Water play is a fun, soothing activity, where children can play and learn alone or with others.

All children can take part in water play. Water play helps children develop hand–eye coordination, understand heavy/light, float/sink, full/empty and shallow/deep, helps them concentrate and solve problems and they learn to share and cooperate with others.

Check WaterPlay equipment »
5. Challenges
Playground equipment for disabled children
It is common to see play areas for younger children, while older children are expected to participate in organised sport. The famous playground designers Monstrum say that "the most successful playgrounds have a clearly defined age group or are divided into separate areas to meet the needs of the specific ages. Older children need speed and difficult challenges, context and elements like tree houses - separated from the younger kids." A well developed play area for older children gives them the space to understand and express their emotions and feelings that gives them an uninhibited area to cultivate their energies into some productive. In this age of intense screen time, it is essential to create spaces for them where they are able to move away from the phone and TV screens and inculcate physical activity in their daily schedules.

Browse similar challenging play equipment »

While attractive and engaging playgrounds are the need of the moment, there are two aspects that must be kept in mind while developing playgrounds:

1. Inclusive
Develop and cultivate skills through inclusive playgrounds
A successful inclusive playground will encourage interaction between children of different abilities. The website Voiceofplay.org states "Inclusion is an important value that children learn from the playground. Research has shown that children assign value to those who they "think" they can play with and those they cannot. Their perception is that those who play are contributors, and those who don't play are not. Therefore, children with disabilities who are prevented from playing on playgrounds - because of non-inclusive equipment or surfacing - are already facing the disadvantage of being recognised by their peers as having a lesser value than the children that are playing." Planning for Inclusive play will include simple and informed choices to make sure you are building a community of sensitive and smart young children.
2. Safety
Fun always has an element of risk, the uncontrolled excitement on the playground can sometimes lead to injuries as well. Although safety is something one will inherently consider in all projects, it is important to review international standards and implement local guidelines. Please make sure that your play areas are equipped with softer landing surfaces, are absent of sharp edges and follow safety guidelines. We must strive to ensure that children are giving exciting and safe places to explore!


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pick the Most Efficient Building Products

How to pick efficient building materials and equipment for any construction project

Whether you are a contractor, builder or an architect – ProjectLink can help you get the right construction equipment for any building project. This online directory offers a comprehensive list of Australia’s leading suppliers in all building and construction fields along with the highly efficient construction equipment. It has a wide range of solutions from construction equipment to maintenance and management services. Construction professionals from all over the country can rely on this online database to source products and services for their building projects.

When putting the plans together for any new building project, consider these options to get the best outcomes. These factors would guide one’s choices of sustainable materials and construction equipment. With careful analysis and selection of materials, one can bring significant increase in the efficiency, safety and cost effectiveness to any project.

These suggestions make sure of a truly sustainable building structure:

  1. Consider all Stakeholders
  2. Logistics
  3. Sourcing
  4. Cost and Quality
  5. Performance
  6. Durability
  7. Ease of Installation
  8. Structural Capability
  9. Health Safety
  10. Environmental Impact
  11. Aesthetics
  12. Material Deterioration
  13. Waste Treatment and Recycling Systems
  14. Maintenance

Explore ProjectLink’s Buildings category to source the right type of products and services for your building construction operations. Businesses can also list their building products here to strengthen their brand recognition nationwide.

Factors to consider while selecting suitable services and products for any building project

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Choosing the Right Fencing for your Community Parks

Keep your community parks safe with right kind of fencing
A key ingredient to happy community living is having a park in your neighbourhood. A park in the community creates social bonds and interactions not only between the young ones playing but also the regular walkers, fitness enthusiasts, and elders out for fresh air. Aside from the social benefit, it is a commonly known that those living near parks are typically healthier and report fewer instances of stress, anxiety, sadness and depression.
According to the http://www.parks-week.org/, “parks play a vital role in creating liveable cities and thriving communities. They are our most frequented spaces for recreational activities and provide opportunities for tourism, conservation and the social interaction that is vital for a connected and resilient population.”


Parks week

The New Zealand Recreation Association and Parks and Leisure Australia are to help organise Parks Week 4th – 12th March, 2017. They aim to promote the many benefits of parks and open spaces. Councils and other organisations are geared to run “engaging events to raise awareness on the value of parks and open spaces, and to get people out of their living rooms and enjoying the outdoors.”


Importance of fencing

Fences are a key aspect of landscaping and important for safetyJust as the park is to the community, the fence is to the park! As we understand the importance of parks, we also understand the importance of fencing.
Whether wooden or metallic, fences are a key aspect of landscaping and of course is an essential for barricading and safety.




Create a privacy barrier and keep trespassers away by installing a fenceAs we progress in developing high-end, child development oriented safer play areas, is important to make the right safety checks in the open spaces of parks. One cannot restrict children from exploring but obvious and inaccessible barricading of areas that are unsuitable for younger park goers is a must.
Areas with large water bodies, heavily wooded parts of the park and thorny or rocky trails must be clearly segregated to avoid any unforeseen accidents.



As we secure the insides of the park with wooden or metallic fencing, we must also consider that the park and its people must be protected from unwanted elements. The right kind of fencing will help in making sure the park is protected from trespassers. It is an important measure to make sure the park is free of vandalism and destruction. If the park is close to a wooded area, or forest, the right kind of fencing will help keep stray animals out of the park.


Design by Separation

Learn how fences can add great value to design
Urban planners and park designers are adept at cleverly integrating fences as design elements. While landscaping, fences can add great value to design. Using well-suited fencing can help create attractive and focussed areas in the park. Consider this interesting idea by Tejo Remy.
Remy used the simple fence to ask “Can a fence become a meeting point or a sitting area?”. The Social Fence of Remy and Veenhuizen transforms part of an existing fence to lounge- and sitting spots for pupils. Remy says, “The idea to transform the existing fence into a meeting place originated in the desire to change the perception upon the mostly negatively experienced fence. A distortion of the existing rhythm creates meeting places on both sides of the fence. The work, that covers five fence parts, joins the existing fence in terms of measurements and colour. In this charming social fence, the protrusions and recessions are not only eye-catching, but they allow for a more active interaction between those on either side of the fence, providing seats, benches, nooks and playspaces for children.”

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Tips for choosing fencing

You may recall from your childhood the hilarious story of Tom Sawyer convincing his friends that painting a fence was the greatest and most exciting work of all. One cannot deny that the fences are important aspects of landscapes, open spaces, and parks. Fortunately, unlike Tom and friend’s we don’t need to paint fences all summer. Here are some tips for choosing great fencing for your parks!



The main visitors in parks are young children and senior citizens. While, the idea of safety tends to be more in terms of overall planning of the park, poor quality of materials is the primary cause of injuries in any public setting. It is essential to pick fencing that is finished in high quality materials. If choosing metal fencing ensure that the joints and welds are properly sanded and polished.
Avoid metals that are prone to rusting or understand the durability and quality of the coating used. If selecting wooden fencing, ensure the high-quality hard wood is used. Avoid woods that are brittle and that can hurt the skin.



When selecting high quality materials, research the regulations on durability and double check warranties. Due to high traffic of visitors and exposure to natural elements, fencing material undergoes excessive strain. Be certain that the manufacturer has provided the durability of material that take these stresses. This preventive measure will bode well for the visitors and the park in the long run.



Never let anyone tell you that fences are boring. Using a beautifully designed fence can change the way you interact with your surroundings.
Use a well designed and appealing fence to lift the look of the park

As you continuously strive to maintain the natural landscaping of your park, the addition of a well designed and appealing fence can lift the look of the park manifold. Here are some inspirational design ideas for fences:
Fence with vertical herb garden
The park is not just about play areas and strolls. The essence of park is the community and it is important to have many activities around the community park. As the farm to table concept becomes so essential to our living and learning it is not uncommon for neighbourhoods and communities to participate in planting and urban farming activities. Wouldn’t it interesting to use your fence for a lovely, fresh herb garden!
Use your fence for a lovely, fresh herb garden

History is our best teacher
As we return to our roots, we are keen to learn and imbibe traditional values and ideas. Here is beautiful fence idea from historic times.

Beautiful fence idea from historic times

Just paint it!
Needless to say, you can just buy simple fencing and get creative! If you have the resource commission an artist.

Attractive paint job can also make simple park fencing stand out

If you don’t have an artist, you can grab a stencil, go free hand or consider getting the children in the community to get together and have a ball.
Make a creative and inspiring garden fencing for your children



In the end, gather data from experienced specialists, thoroughly research and understand the needs of the park. As a park is an area of high public access, your local authorities may have stringent laws and stipulations when putting up fencing, ensure that all execution teams and project stakeholders are aware of the regulations in your area.
Comprehensive list of fences for parks and outdoor