Monday, February 27, 2017

Natural Shade vs Shade Structures

Smart ways to bring shade to your outdoor spaceSunlight is the most important source of energy for all. The sun is considered to fuel life on earth. All the living things require sunlight to thrive. Plants use up the sunlight thus producing food and O2 for humans and animals. The sunlight consists of ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, visible light, X rays and even radio waves. These radiations emitted from the sun have had alarming effects on the humans. The amount of solar radiation that earth receives is 1,413 W/m2.

The UV rays of the sun are known for positive as well as negative effects on the health of human beings. Sunlight is a source of Vit D3. It is also a mutagen. Vit D strengthens the bones. Sunlight also regulates the formation of melatonin that is the skin pigment. Other positive effects of sunlight is that it is associated with maintenance of normal circadian rhythm and it helps in lessening the risk of seasonal affective disorders commonly known as winter blues.  Excessive sun exposure may lead to development of skin cancer and vision problems.

That’s Why Shades…

Benefits of tree shadesThough they say “The weather is nice and sunny…” On a hot summer day, you always need recite from the scorching sunlight. A shady spot is always sought after during such days. So even though sunshine is important in its own way, shade, be it natural or structured, becomes an essential addition while designing a house or park.

The shadowed area caused by the absence of sunlight in patches of due to hindrance or obstacle present between the sun and the surface demarcates the area of shade. Shady areas can be better differentiated as shade from structures and natural shade. Shade form man-made structures and buildings produces a complete block out of the sunlight. The shade that one observes under a canopy of trees is a natural shade. The natural shade will always have speckles of sunlight peeking through the leaves. This type of shade and the degree varies from the density of the leaves growing on the trees.

With the increased global warming and its effects on the ozone layer of the earth, the amount of invisible radiation that comes to the earth has shown an increase. This radiation adversely affect us. Since you cannot permanently stop from going out in the sun, you can have a respite from the heat under sunshades. Many types of shade sails, sunshades and natural shades have been designed for the same cause.

Science has also made advances in creating shade structures that block out the UV rays of the sun. Certain shade structures are easy to set up, others are complex and large. Based on your requirement you can plan what type of shade you would like to have in your property and how to put it up. Those of you who like gardening and require atlas 6 hours of sunlight for the garden can plant trees in the directions that their growth will not affect the sunlight in your area.

Based on the requirements, here we have a list of the most common questions asked by the people while selecting shade structure or planning out the landscaping of their property.
Q1. How should I keep my house cool during summers without having to install expensive electronics?
Keep your house cool during summers with these popular shade structuresA. A zero-cost, low maintenance and beautiful option for shade for houses is planting trees. Trees provide shade from the sun and fresh air. These act as a natural filter to the air.
Select trees that produce flowers or fruits. That way the aesthetics of your outdoors is also being enhanced. Wooden or metal shade structures and pergolas are often installed in the outdoors or backyards. Tame a rose vine, a berry shrub or grape vine over it. This will not only create an exquisite seating spot but also make the space look lavish and elegant. If you are bound by space, you can go in for options like shade sails and awnings.
Q2. Are there any options of shade structures using natural material instead of metal, acrylic etc.?
Explore the options of shade structures using natural materialA. Yes. The “Slide a Shade” canopy is made of bamboos that are extended with the support of metal structures. These are removable and can be removed during the winter if required. You can select the sizes available with the vendor, though custom made canopies are also manufactured as per requirement.
Know more about the canopies here »
Pergolas made of bamboo and reed are also available for purchase. These are natural sunshades are ideal structures that give filtered sunlight and flow of air. Unlike the metal pergolas, these natural pergolas do not get heated up during the day thus providing a perfect seating space at any time of the day.
Know more about the pergola shading here »
Q3. What kind of health problems can be caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight? How can construction workers avoid prolonged sun exposures?
How to protect workers from prolonged sun exposureA. Prolonged exposure to sun can cause adverse effects to the health of human beings. Since the amount of radiation that the earth receives from the sun has increased lately owing to global warming, long hours of sun exposure is harmful. It can cause health problems such as multiple sclerosis, melanoma or skin cancer and severe sunburn. It has been noted that prolonged sun exposure also causes damage to the eyes. It is known to have caused cortical cataracts, muscle degeneration, solar retinopathy and eventually retinal damage.
Construction workers cannot avoid sun exposure completely as their job does not allow that. But they can use caps and protective wear to control the exposure to sunlight. Cases of skin cancer have been seen in those who work for long hours under sun. Hats with protective clothing attached to it is another option. The most exposed skin is that of the nape. The cloth will cover the skin from sunlight and moreover the cloth can be dampened which will cool the neck.
Know more about it here »
Q4. How can I keep my patio shady without using shade structures installed into ground?
Keep your patio shady with our range of retractable awningsA. Patios, windows and sidewalks in houses can be kept shady without installing a shade structure into the ground. At times, we do not want to build concrete structures to support ground-fixed sunshades. The solution to this concern is the use of retractable awnings. Awnings can be attached to the walls. These are available in various colors. The framework is strong and these are made of weatherproof material.
The product is detailed here »
Q5. Can I install shade sails myself without spending extra by hiring people for it?
How to install shade sailsA. Certain sunshades and shade sails can be easily installed at home. Though you would have to know a little masonry work as it requires building of concrete base structures to hold the shafts of the structure in place.
Comparatively, a canopy is easy to install. Anyone can do it. One just needs to follow the instructions given by the manufacturer.

Q6. What are the types of shade structures I can use for a property with large outdoor and garden area?
A. When a large area has to be covered for shade, the shade structure needs to be strong. Large shade sails can be used for this purpose. These are designed specially to protect the people from bad effects of sunlight. These offer large areas covered by blocking the sun hence many people can be accommodated under it.
Check out more benefits of large shade sail »
Q7. What are the shade options for an outdoor restaurant?
Best shade options for an outdoor restaurantA. When shade structures are installed at restaurants, emphasis is on the aesthetics first and then on the functionality. But when you get both the things together, it’s a jackpot.
The Chemist Cooled Umbrellas is one such shade structure that not only protects from sun but also controls the temperature under it. It has in-built humidity sensors that ensure that the area remains dry. It also has misting rings. The structure is fitted with lights so it can be also used after sundown.
If you are interested in this product, click here »

Q8. What will be the best shade option for schools?
Best shade options for schools
A. Schools conduct many activities for kids that involve outdoor sessions. The COLA shelter is a shade structure designed for use at schools and other areas where a big number of people gather for activities. This structure is made of genuine Colorbond steel and is low maintenance.
Learn more about this product here »

Find popular shade structures for your outdoor space
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How Do Businesses Strengthen their Brand Recognition?

Benefits of business listing on ProjectLink

If you are looking for a way to help your online business to grow, you need to put a major attention on advertising. The audience who view your website are the ones who click and purchase your products, so you obviously want to make sure to bring in tons of traffic. Fortunately, being listed on Australia’s biggest online directory can give your business more exposure.
Having your business listed on ProjectLink will increase your visibility to different audiences and will build a strong presence where your prospects are. This online directory offers a wide variety of building products and equipment and connects you to suppliers relevant to your industry. Professionals from all over the country rely on this online database to source products and services for their projects.

ProjectLink can do wonders for your online marketing efforts – but exactly what are the benefits?

  1. Gain Greater Visibility
  2. Increased Traffic Flow
  3. SEO Benefits
  4. Increased Customer Interaction
  5. Investors can Gain Exposure
  6. Increased Brand Recognition
  7. Drive Quality Traffic to your Site
  8. Social Media Sharing
  9. Effective Keyword Targeting
  10. More Website Enquiries
  11. Effective Handling of Complaints
  12. Proper Insights and Analytics
  13. Focussed Audience
  14. Benefit of Backlinks
  15. Cost-Effective Investment
  16. Increased Revenue
Promoting your business through ProjectLink is a smart, cost-effective as well as time-saving business move. So, list your business today and make your path to success.

16 benefits of business listing on ProjectLink


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Innovative Playground Theme Ideas

How playground equipment help kids develop physically and mentallyPlay is to children what to coffee is for adults. Just can’t do without it. Emphasis is paid on the play and physical learning activities for kids. "Play" comprises of a wide range of activities, physical and mental that generate enjoyment and pleasure.

Playtime is essential for kids as it is during play that kids learn a lot of things they’d miss out on otherwise. It not only improves their motor functions and dexterity but also increases brain activity. Kids learn to share. They learn to bond with other kids. They make friends. It helps in the cognitive development of the children. They learn how to interact with others in a society.

We do not see kids playing the games we used to. The play has gotten softer. The kids are seen playing video and computer games in comparison to physical play. What has brought about such a drastic change in the games and play activities of the children and How to change this pattern?

When we see the kids playing these days, their games either revolve around electronic devices such as computers or mobile phones or the games have do not involve as much physical activities as required. We can blame the lifestyle of families for the same. Children require a set amount of physical activity in order to let their bodies function perfectly.

Outdoor playgrounds are gaining importance lately as this lets the kids to have a fun time along with getting enough of sunshine and fresh air. There has also been a rise in development of playground equipment that facilitate learning as well as fun. These equipment are designed to ignite the curiosity in children and therefore enhancing their problem solving skills. The outdoor playgrounds have evolved from being a leisure area for kids to learning units. And even better so, the kids learn while they play.

The importance of outdoor play for childrenPlay areas are important in the overall development of a child. What are the benefits of playing and these play areas?

Playing in outdoor playgrounds inculcates a habit of playing outside, exploring in nature and so on. These children will like to spend their leisure  and workout time outside in fresh air throughout their lives as they will relate to the happy memories of play during childhood in nature. There are many benefits that are associated to play:

1. Kids develop healthy habits

Obesity in children has become a widespread "disease" these days. And it can be credited to the unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical exercise. Outdoor and fitness playgrounds encourage kids to play that lead to burning extra calories thus keeping them fit.

2. Physical skills are learned and improved

Outdoor play encourages physical activities such as jumping, running, throwing and catching objects etc. These motor skills are learned during playtime. Kids also perform actions such as swinging, pulling and pushing, lifting etc that helps them grow stronger and improves the dexterity as well.

3. Helps in learning skills that are useful throughout life

Playing with other kids not only teaches kids motor and cognitive skills, it improves their social skills too. Children learn to communicate with other children, they learn to think creatively. Many a times theme parks and playgrounds channel kids to do specific activities related to the themes. This broaden their horizon of knowledge.

4. Helps in confidence-building

Risk taking is an activity that offers a good amount of learning. Kids need to be taught how to take risks without being guided and protected by teachers or parents. Doing so not only increases their self-confidence but also inculcates a habit of learning by following their instincts. It is at this stage that kids develop self-esteem, confidence and decision-making skills.

Find innovative theme ideas to create interactive playgrounds

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Indoor and Outdoor Furniture Trends for 2017

2017 indoor and outdoor furniture trends Furniture is an integral part of our life. These movable objects that are specifically designed to support or enhance our day to day activities. Holding objects at a comfortable height, supporting objects, or storing things are some of the important tasks furniture are designed to do.

Furniture came into existence about 30,000 years ago when humans used boulders, wood or animal bones to create comfortable seating, resting and storage spaces. The evolution of furniture design thus began. As human race advanced, more and more insight was given into constructing furniture that can serve the purpose of need as well as luxury. Traditional furniture design revolved around comfort, strength and luxury. Materials such as wood, metals, stones etc were used for this. Various types of fabrics were used to adorn the surfaces. Then came modern furniture that was made using fancy new materials. Next in line appeared contemporary furniture that blended the details of antique furniture and modern furniture to create something unique yet elegant. By now, there are many types of furniture that are put to view for you to pick from for your home decor.

Types of Furniture

Furniture can be broadly classified into five main types based on uses. Each piece of furniture is designed to fulfil the requirement of any particular task. The modern trends of furniture for households and outdoors have moved towards ergonomically enhanced and environment friendly choices. These fantastic furniture trends are further segregated into classes based on similarity and uses. Some of the common uses are as follows:

1. Comfort
Add comfort in any area of the house or outdoors with our range of modern furnitureAny furniture used for sitting down, lying, sleeping, relaxing etc falls into this category. furniture like various types of chairs, couches, recliners, ottoman,types of stools, benches, divan, canapés, beds, hammocks, infant beds etc fall under this section. These furniture are ergonomically designed to suffice the need of comfort in any area of the house or outdoors. Outdoor furniture also falls under this category as various seating arrangements are a part of outdoor comfort. Nowadays, modern furniture is being designed in such a way that it can serve various purposes. Modular furniture is also being developed.

2. Entertainment units
Every living space has a source of entertainment be it television or indoor or outdoor games. These sources of entertainment require some sort of support or furniture as a part of the set-up. This category includes furniture like billiards table, television cabinets, jukeboxes, video game consoles, chess tables, children games, park and fancy outdoor furniture etc.
Based on the type of entertainment, leisure activity and types of users, these furniture are made. For garden, parks and outdoor furniture materials such as wood, metal, acrylic and concrete might be used. For indoor furniture, wood, bamboo, metal, glass, etc will be used.

3. Sets
Discover top trending sets to suit your taste and budgetA group of furniture used for a specific purpose constitutes a set. Bedroom sets (bed, side tables, dressing table,side stools, rest couches etc.), dining sets (dining table and chairs, peg tables, trolleys, cabinets etc.), patio sets (garden furniture), vanity sets etc fall under this section.

4. Tables
Tables are of various types based on the use and placement. Based on the uses, the structure, design and height changes. Desks, pedestals, dining tables, coffee tables, monk benches, lowboys, folding tables, poker tables, wine tables, workbenches, workshop tables, end tables, peg tables, side tables, corner stools etc fall under this category. Urban furniture design has always made it possible to add in more and more types of specialized furniture based on functionality.