Wednesday, October 26, 2016

5 Most Advanced Access Control Systems to Know About

5 most advanced access control systems for a safe and secure workplace
Are you safe from external threats at your workplace? Are you safe at your residence? These are some of the questions that often come to your mind. These questions better not be ignored. These days your security lies in your own hands.

A safe workplace is a productive haven for yourself as well as your employees. Similarly, to ensure the safety of your loved ones, a good security system plays a big role. Security should never be overlooked no matter if it’s a building, house or any other place where people movement needs to be controlled. Access Control Systems can ensure your safety is not compromised in any form.

What is it?

The combination of hardware and software makes an access control system whereby the access can be allowed or restricted based on one’s preferences. Access Control facilitates a selective restriction of admittance to an area or building and/ or websites and similar resources. With the Access Control Systems in place, users would need the due permission to use a resource or access a certain location. This permission is called authorization. Depending on the levels of confidentiality and security, one may grant access.
As you already know, access control is used for physical as well as information security. Where physical security is concerned, access control readers are widely used. These readers are of three types based on their functionality; namely a basic or non-intelligent reader, semi-intelligent reader and the intelligent reader.

A basic or a non-intelligent reader only reads a card number or a PIN. It then passes this information to a control panel and the rest of the process of granting or denying access follows. The semi-intelligent readers are built with all required input and output information to control the door lock. Once the PIN or card number is entered, the information is sent to the main controller, and the reader waits for the response. This reader does not make decisions on its own.

The third reader is an intelligent reader. All the necessary input and output programmes are in-built into this reader. It has a memory and processing power which helps in independent decision making based on the inputs. It is also connected to a control panel which updates the reader and takes the information about the recent events from it.

We have bundled up the top most advanced access control systems for you to keep you ahead of the rest.

Building Integration Systems (BIS)

A lot of hard work goes into undertaking huge construction projects. Many factors are to be looked into while constructing big buildings. Security issues, access to the outsiders, fire threats, and evacuation systems are some of these. A building integration system is an access control system that combines some of the important technical systems into one and brings a complete access control to you.

You need not worry about its compatibility, increased usage and spectrum of scope for future. This system is modular in nature and therefore you can add different high- performance modules to it as per your requirements in future. It proves to be a useful addition to those big ever-providing construction projects that later turn into dream houses.

Consider using Building Integration System for your upcoming construction project. Get more info »

Access Professional Systems

Access control system with card reader and keypad to enter the pin

Offices and organizations can range from small to big. Depending on the kind of work and size of the organizations, access controls systems are used. There is always a chance of adding more readers and equipment onto it if required. In order to smoothly run these systems, various software are used. Access Professional Edition is one such software that is not only easy to use but is scalable too.

This system generally works best for a small to a medium-sized organization; but as the needs grow, it has the capacity to capacity to accommodate more. Security functions such as elevator management, intrusion monitoring, CCTV etc can be integrated with this software. It is also compatible with the standard reader and card formats and this allows you to continue working with the existing card readers that you may have deployed at your workplace.

Building Access Control Key Pads

Workplace safety is foremost whether it is a small enterprise or a deep rooted organization. Businesses thrive in a positive and secure environment. With advances in technology, it has become possible to do away with the lock and key mechanism that has been used for doors since ages. You cannot vouch for the security for the lock and key mechanism but the latest introduction is a break-in-free mechanism. The building access control keypad is an electronic mechanism and provides high security and reliability for your workplace in comparison to the lock and key mechanism.

These come with a backup memory chip which records the programmed access codes. The chip can be removed and can be used to program other keypads. These access control keypads can be used on any entrance, be it a main gate or doors to your mansion or workplace. It comes with an anti-hack feature that helps prevent entry through vandalism. It runs perfectly in various climatic conditions. Be it extreme heat or chilling winters, you will find it working smoothly. There are features that are provided for special conditions such as the backlight for visibility in darkness, anti-tamper switch and so on…

Need to know more about Building Access Control Key Pads? Visit here »

Photoelectric Sensors

Wide range of advanced photoelectric sensors for eye or face recognition access control These sensors also known as the photo eye, are used to discover the absence or presence of any object by the use of a transmitter that transmits infrared light/ signal. If there is any obstacle in the light transmission then the alarm goes off.
PE light sensors are of 3 types depending on its use and requirement of the client. These are:
  1. opposed (through beam)
  2. proximity-sensing (diffused)
  3. retro-reflective

The units are of a good quality and last long. These usually come with a long battery life. The entire unit is compact and housed in a durable cover that is waterproof so you can place it wherever you require. These sensors save efforts, time and money and are quite dependable. In construction projects such as museums or high security organizations, the use of PE sensors becomes a must.

Check out the link for more information about Photoelectric Sensors »

Sliding Gate Operators

Sliding gate openers are devices used to open and close a sliding or a swing gate. These are often used in driveways or main entrance to buildings. These operators can be found for domestic uses as well as for larger buildings. These openers are hydraulic and electromechanical, and come with a battery backup option. The limit of weight they can slide is also customizable. These can be controlled using a push button on the device.

The combination of these gate operators along with PE beams can be used to ensure workplace safety as well as safety at your residence during entry or exit. These come with various features to assist you in various situations.

Get more info on the sliding gate operators here >>

Friday, October 21, 2016

Compressed Air Tools: Factors to Consider While Making a Choice

4 Most important factors to consider while selecting the compressed air tool
The existence of air compressors goes back to the beginning of the life on the earth. The best example of an ancient air compressor is our own lung system. Human lungs are the oldest and most powerful air compressors or say compressed air tool that we have ever had. For thousands of years, lungs have been used to compress air and blow it to stoke the fire, and for many other purposes. This phenomenon, to a great extent, got replaced by ‘Bellows’ that the human beings invented as they evolved.

The bellows are tools with hand-held flexible bags fixed in-between wooden hands. They have been used to produce a concentrated blast of air, ideal for enhancing the intensity of the fire. The invention of Bellows was one of the most important ones in the human history, and it paved the way for many more inventions of the recent past. Even after years, these bellows did not vanish from the world and still can be seen at European countrysides. However, this device was largely replaced by a water-wheel-driven blowing cylinder designed by professional engineer John Smeaton, in 1762.

Since this point of time, the updates and modifications on the compressed air tools have made them much more efficient than the earlier ones. This continuous advancement led us to the present time when we have numerous options of equipment to choose from.

The market is full of diverse types of compressed air systems with various attractive features. These features include reciprocating, oil-less pumps, multiple coupling options, thermal protection and so on. So, if you are looking for a compressed air system to cater to your specific requirements, we would suggest that you know all the basic features of an air compressor.

Top Features of Air Compressors in a Compressed Air System

Every air compressor manufacturer has something unique to offer to the users. While such unique features may be quite attractive to a potential buyer, it is the basic features that buyers need to be assured of first. The majority of the buyers weigh the product on the basis of four most important and basic features: power, CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute), size, portability.


It is essential that you, as a future user, should thoroughly analyze the system requirements against your business plan. This would help you decide the right amount of power you require in the air compressor according to its planned usage. For instance, a high power air compressor should be chosen to operate/work with heavy-duty machinery. Such air compressors sustain high volume and pressure capacity.

On the other hand, if it is an air knife or spray gun, you should always go for low power portable air compressors.

High horsepower (HP) is most important factor for industrial purposes. For instance, while a typical manufacturing unit requires an air compressor with power up to 200 HP, power in the range of 1.5 to 6.5 HP should work well for any portable system.

Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM)

If you have ever researched for a compressed air tool, you would be familiar with the term CFM. CFM is the most common rating factor of these equipment’s power and capacity. It is specifically used for measuring the volume of air that the compressor is capable of delivering into the compressed air tool.
In order to choose the right air tool for the requirement, it is recommended that the buyer checks the standard CFM label before making the purchase decision.


The possible usage of the compressed air tool should be considered while choosing the size of the air compressor. Though it is a given that heavy applications would require larger sized tanks, it is essential to ascertain what size of tank would be required given the planned usage in future.


It is possible that your business might work with more than one type of compressed air tools. In such case, a portable air compressor would be an attractive deal. There are many portable air compressors available in the market with different sizes and power, giving you a wide range of choices. Most of these are also designed with wheels and long hoses to increase your ease of use.

Click here to find the comprehensive list of high quality compressed air tools

Other Features

Pressure Switch

A pressure switch is typically used to detect the excess air pressure in the compressor tank. Whenever the air pressure reaches the pre-assigned limit, the switch automatically turns the motor off. These pressure switches are the most important element for safety at any workplace. These switches also spare the operators of constantly checking and turning the motor off manually.

Oil-less Pumps

Air compressors with oil-less pumps are becoming more popular day-by-day. This feature reduces the overall maintenance cost of the system and brings in efficiency in the business processes. Usually, it takes a day or half for the regular maintenance of compressed air tools. Oil-free pumps spare you from shutting down your work regularly by decreasing the requirement frequent maintenance.
These oil-less pumps also prevent the equipment from any accidental mixing of oil into the compressed air, hence become a safe and clean solution for any rotary screw air compressor at the workplace.

However, the short lifespan of the oil-less pumps could be a disappointing factor.

Thermal Overload Protection

This is another safety essential for compressed air systems. The tool is designed to reduce the power supply to the motor whenever overheating is detected in the unit. Overheating can damage the air compression system and sometimes can end up in life threatening accidents, such as blasts. This might not be a basic feature of a compressed air system but should be considered as a priority for safety purposes.

Drainage Valve

After your workers’ and workplace safety, comes the safety of the equipment. You need to be assured that the tools stay safe and last longer. In that quest, the drainage valve could be one of the aids that you need. These valves are primarily designed to remove all condensate from the compressor without losing much excessive compressed air. Condensate is atmospheric moisture that can wash away the lubrication of the equipment resulting in a downtime and unplanned maintenance.

Drainage valves protect the system from rust or corrosion especially when the tool is made of cast iron.

Air Filter

These small and replaceable parts of the system prevent the equipment from internal damage caused by tiny particles floating in the atmosphere. Small particles that contain high moisture content can cause a significant damage to the entire system. The air filters are positioned at the intake valves of the compressors and prevent these harmful particles from entering the tank.

These are the highly recommended features that you should consider while browsing for a compressed air tool for your business. However, there could be more features added to this list in accordance with your business requirements. If you need more help, check out our comprehensive online directory here that offers you all the leading brands and top rated compressed air tools that you can browse and opt from.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Top 5 Land Survey Equipment For Construction Industry

Advanced land survey equipment to enhance the efficiency of your construction project
Land, throughout history, has been an asset for people. Being a symbol of status, prosperity and security; possession over land has been indicated by establishing boundaries and limits over the area covered. The process of laying down boundaries and surveying the land for future use is complex. It requires much efforts and expertise.

Who does it and how?

The answer to this question lies in the age old art of land surveying. The professionals who survey the land are called land surveyors. Their job is to measure and study the land in order to create land maps or mark the borders for ownerships. Finally they give the basic blueprint of the land for planning a construction over it. Determining the topography of the land is essential for the construction industry. As is the foundation to a building so is land survey to construction. It is the first step of the process of construction. Know that land survey is an essential part of not only building construction but it plays a big role in making roads and bridges, planning and executing the framework of a building, landscaping etc.

Surveying is done with the help of various equipment which are used in various tasks related to geometry, physics, trigonometry, engineering, metrology, programming etc. And we thought construction was an easy job… All these technical details compiled together are given to the architect and engineers. It is these who further design the buildings or landscape the area. With every advancing year, the construction process is honed over by the use and introduction of new and complex construction equipment. The same is the case when it comes to land survey.

In order to maintain the accuracy of the results, the surveying equipment that need to be used should be the latest and best suited for the area. The latest equipment aid in an accurate and faster delivery of results. It becomes essential for the construction industry personnel to keep up with the new inventions in order to bring out the best for the customer’s satisfaction, else you’ve lost the race already.

To keep you up to date with the latest technology, we have listed out top 5 state-of-the-art surveying equipment that will help you plan further for the construction.

3D Scanners

What is a 3D Scanner?

3D scanners - get detailed 3D models of physical objectsThe 3D scanners is a complex equipment used for surveying. It involves no contact with the physical object. The scanner scans the object in question using laser light and recreates a 3D model of the object with every bit of details using “point clouds” of the data from the object. These point clouds create an imitation of the object onto the computer screen. 3D Laser Scanning is one the most accurate methods of surveying. Trained professionals are required to operate the 3D Scanners and convert the point clouds into 3D CAD models, if required.
  • Non-destructive and non-contact process
  • Time saving method
  • Results are accurate and detailed
  • Scans can be evaluated later and can be turned into solid models, if required


What are Drones?

Break the limits with drones' survey for your construction modelDrones are aerial vehicles that do not require a pilot but can be remotely controlled from the ground. These drones come into play when the area for the survey is vast and manual surveying can get labour intensive. These drones are operated with the help of especially designed computer software. It helps to adjust the flight areas and height. The drone, when in action, will transfer all the topographic images of the area, under surveillance onto your computer. The software aid in measuring and studying the land.
  • Non-labour intensive
  • Cost effective
  • It can cover vast areas in no time
  • Software hell to create orthomosaics and elevation plans
  • Repeatable survey of the area

Robotic Total Stations

What are Robotic Total Stations?

A robotic total station for detailed survey with easy operating
A Robotic Total Station is an electronic device that reads the slope distances from the device to a certain point. It can be controlled with the help of a remote control. There is no need of an assistant as the operator can control the instrument from a distance. Like many of the other surveying equipment, this one promises accuracy of data. A Robotic Total Station is used mainly during the planning and construction of roads and bridges.
  • Can be operated by a single person
  • It can be operated for long hours
  • It suffers no harm from temperature and weather
  • Accuracy of data
  • Faster in comparison to TST (total station theodolite

Laser Measuring System

What is a Laser Measuring System?

Laser measuring system is a quick solution for all site measuring tasksA Laser Measuring System is an equipment that comprises of a laser distance meter and a software that allows you to see the reconstruction of a space onto your computer screen. This equipment can be placed manually or with the help of remote control at the required position and then with the help of a laser beam the measurements of the space can be taken down. Once this is done, the software creates a 3D image of the room or the space along with the measurements and you can evaluate it. It aids in understanding the space in a detailed manner. The equipment runs with the help of a rechargeable battery.
  • Accuracy
  • Easy to operate
  • Helpful in surveys, furniture making, masonry etc.
  • It is not time consuming

Layout Station

What is a Layout Station?

Layout station to reduce the laborious and time consuming tasks
A layout station is a device that aids in measurement and laying out of plans during construction. With the help of this device you can measure the distances and find positions for the layout easily. The otherwise laborious and time consuming task can be completed in no time and with a precision. This equipment is being used for farm work, plumbing, electrical work, walls and ceilings etc. A laser light that marks the point on ground that you wish to mark as a part of the plan, makes it easy to make the markings.
  • Enables accuracy and quality in work delivered
  • Wide range of usage
  • Comparable with a standard computer
  • Easily measure distance and quick position calculation

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Infrastructure Developments Signal Revitalisation for Brisbane City

Infrastructure developments signal revitalisation for Brisbane city
Brisbane is soon to boast the best runway system in the world with the construction of the New Parallel Runway (NPR), the biggest aviation project in Australia, currently underway.

Brisbane is soon to boast the best runway system in the world with the construction of the New Parallel Runway (NPR), the biggest aviation project in Australia, currently underway.

The 2nd Annual Queensland Infrastructure Project Conference sets the stage for discussions about the exciting new venture which is expected to deliver an economic benefit of around $5 billion per year by 2035 to the region.

In 2016 Brisbane ranked third among domestic airports with passenger movements of 1.54 million. Sydney remained Australia’s busiest domestic airport with 2.34 million passenger movements, followed by Melbourne with 2.15 million passenger movements. With the construction of the second runway at Brisbane Airport, international flights are expected to rise dramatically, growing from 227 000 in 2014-15 to over 360 000 by 2035. The runway will accommodate the same capacity as Singapore and Hong Kong airports, taking its crown as the best runway system in Australia. The number of annual passengers will rise from 22 million in 2014 to approximately 50 million by 2035.

The project has seen 360 hectares of soft marshland reclaimed through the pumping of 11 million cubic metres of sand onto the site which, over the course of four years, will form a solid foundation for the runway.

Throughout the process, the project will create 2,700 construction jobs. Additionally, 7,800 jobs are expected to be generated for the Brisbane and Moreton region by 2035 due to additional capacity.

While the NPR is considered the biggest aviation project in Australia, the airport has approximately 100 concurrent construction projects underway throughout the next 10 years. These redevelopments will look to meet the forecast increase in demand through redevelopments focusing on major new access roads, terminal and apron pavement expansions, new aircraft taxi lanes, new aircraft parking bays and the establishment of a thriving retail centre and aeronautical training precinct.

Despite major airport expansions, the project will also look to reduce noise exposure to the Brisbane community, especially at night. Brisbane Airport is also set to be regarded as a world-best digital airport. Innovative digital solutions will enable improved international travel experiences through developments such as the new Brisbane Airport App and Digital Departure Card initiative which allows flyers to record and save their personal information between visits, streamlining necessary departure procedures.

New Parallel Runway Project Director Paul Coughlan from the Brisbane Airport Corporation will present an overview of the project, unveiling the latest updates at the Queensland Infrastructure Project Conference.

Alongside the airport redevelopment, the city will also see major improvements to the Brisbane River through the Cross River Rail Project, a high priority infrastructure project which will unlock rail capacity throughout South East Queensland.

For more detailed information on this 2-day conference, please click the link here:
